Sunken ship : Far from home is a 3D underwater third person shooter where player is stuck on an alien planet which is fully submerged under water. Player was sent to this planet on a scouting mission as their spaceship was shot down by the resident Khnumians and now they have to find parts scattered around the planet eco system to repair the spaceship and get away. The player uses a submarine like vehicle detached from the ship to explore the planet and ward of the hostile Khnumians. I worked on this project as part of a production studio course with 3 others where I handled production and game/environment design.
Sunken ship : Far from home
Game Design - Sunken ship : Far from home
Sunken ship : Farm from home was a 6 month project made for a production studio course at RIT with team 3WAN consisting of 4 members. I handled production and design aspects of the game while we had two game play programmers and a 3D artist for the player and enemy models. I used assets from the quixel mega scans library to create the environment of the game and design the missions. Due to time constraints as students the project did not continue after the semester, but you can try out our final build by scanning the QR on the right or from the link below it.